Data Sources

  1.  The age of adaptability: A digital-first approach to benefits in a postpandemic world – Mercer, 2022 – Document link (page 15). URL:
  2. Prudential Financial, 2020 – Document link (3rd data point). URL:
  3. “Health on Demand – delivering the benefits employees want now” – MercerMarsh Benefits, 2021; Document link (page 15, rounded up to 60% from 59%). URL:
  4. Employee Self-Service: A Strategic Approach, Sierra-Cedar, 2018; Document link (page 3, 2nd paragraph). URL:
  5. Corestream, 2021 Pulse Survey – Document link. URL:
  6. Sierra Cedar, 2018-2019. Document link (page 37). URL:
  7. EDICOM EDI Academy, 2017. Document link. URL:
  8. TASC and CFOLC survey results based on responses from 93 employers (Aug. 2019)